Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blinkers Have A Purpose Besides Just Looking Cool?

All of this time, I thought those little blinking lights on the 4 corners of an automobile were just some flashy, new age, tricked out add-ons that you bought at the online after-market car shop! You know, the same place you buy those ridiculously annoying coffee can exhaust pipes that make a car sound like a moped on it's last leg (but more on that at a later time)? Who knew that they had an actual purpose for driver information and overall safety on the road.

Seems as though when you want to make a turn or switch lanes, you're supposed to turn the blinker on in the direction to which you intend to turn...some distance prior to the turn. Now when I first heard this information, I was like "No way man. They're just for show. I don't even like how they look, so I never put mine on." But the more I think about it, it actually makes perfect sense. Wow, letting someone know you're going to cut them off would make that person's life just a little bit easier. What a novel idea.

Personally, I think they should change the name of this auto phenomenon from Blinkers to say, Turn Signals. Maybe that will get people to use them more often.

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